About InnovaEDU

InnovaEDU network – brings together five innovation-oriented universities in the Nordic-Baltic region (University of Tartu, Uppsala University, Aarhus University; Riga Graduate School of Law and Norwegian University of Science and Technology) with extensive expertise in blended and online teaching environments in order to a) facilitate the multi-level transfer of know-how and innovation in teaching methods and b) enhance the harmonization of practices among the partner universities.

The interdisciplinary network is built on the need to address the emerging trends in ICT and educational technology which reshaped the environment of learning; as well as the lack of comprehensive, open platform in the Nordic-Baltic region, providing unified approach for development of learning spaces at multiple levels.  In this regard, the network relies on the pre-existing ties and successful cooperation of participating universities within the frameworks of European-wide networks and projects (Coimbra group, the U4 network, Erasmus+ mobility visits and previous Nordplus cooperation). 

In order to achieve these goals, the members of the network will develop a seminar series based on three working packages: WP1 Digital; WP2 Flexible Learning Space and WP3 Pedagogical and Networking. 

Network plans to produce the following tangible outcomes, which could be used after the conclusion of the seminar series:

  • Creating a common repository for sharing didactical material (accessible through network’s Moodle page)
  • Preparing material, slides, survey and guidelines for seminar series’ execution (accessible through network’s Moodle page)
  • Developing templates, teaching aids, summaries of good practices (accessible through network’s Moodle page)
  • Creating infographics and data collected from pre-seminar surveys
  • Writing a recommendation report, summarizing experiences and good practices to a wider academic community.
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