Learn to Te(a)ch good teaching practices

In the following section you will be able to find:

Translated good teaching practices from seminars in Tartu, Uppsala and Aarhus. The documents are available in English, Estonian, Danish, Latvian, Norwegian and Swedish. These practical tips and recommendation can be easily integrated and incorporated into lessons plans, design of the courses and assessments as well as teaching practices. This material can be also used for preparing the teacher training seminars and used as a hand-out and support tool.

Final report, entitled “Sharing experience of implementing teacher training seminars to a wider academic community”. The following report has been prepared by the main coordinators of the InnovaEDU network with the aim to outline the rationale of the project – “Learn to Te(a)ch seminar series: development, dissemination and integration of innovative teaching methods”; its implementation strategy and methodology; the main outcomes and lessons learned. The following report will provide useful insight information on the best practices of planning and implementing such projects, especially in light of unpredictable circumstances such as the global pandemic. This material can be used as a blue-print for planning and designing similar teacher training possibilities.

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