Learn to Te(a)ch seminar series

The network is aimed at developing seminars for teaching staff and educational developers of partner universities, based on three working packages. Under general coordination of the University of Tartu, the working packages are distributed among the partners and open to the contribution of all universities in the consortium.

The distribution of working packages includes:

  • WP1 Digital Package (lead expertise – Tartu) – aimed at enhancing ICT skills and covers topics related to development of online content and instructional design.
  • WP2 Flexible learning spaces package (lead expertise – Uppsala + NTNU) – aimed at enriching the knowledge on the impact of flexible infrastructure and covers topics related to integration of experimental classrooms and other interactive learning arenas in learning spaces.
  • WP3 Pedagogical and networking package (lead expertise Aarhus + RGSL) – aimed at sharing expertise on new teaching methods (e.g., PBL, student-centered learning, blended learning, simulations, ABC curriculum design,etc.) and covers topics related to applicability of these methods in the classroom.

The preparation process for each seminar takes place in three stages and cover the timeline:
1) data collection through user surveys among partner universities on the seminar discussed topics (including, pre-seminar task); 2) data analysis and preparation of seminar settings 3) implementation of seminar and dissemination activities

In the next sections, you will be able to find information about respective seminar sessions. 

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