Seminar in Aarhus

The seminar in Aarhus is planned for March 22-23, 2021 in online environment, combining real-time sessions in Zoom with some asynchronous activities, carried out on Moodle. 

The main topic of the seminar was focused on “Student-centered learning”. The following concept has been included in the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). However, there is no clear definition of what Student-Centred Learning is. In this workshop we are going to discuss –  how do we as teachers, course developers, pedagogical experts, study programme designers – see student-centred learning? If we should define it – how can this definition should be conceptualized? How can we implement Student-Centred Learning in an online/hybrid teaching model? These – and other questions – will form the centre of the discussion and sharing of good practice at the workshop.

Before the seminar participants were asked to fulfil the pre-task, which was differentiated for teaching and administrative staff members. Detailed description of the exercise can be found here. The seminar program was organized around central themes such as definition of SCL; SCL and different teaching methods; facilities/learning spaces for SCL; SCL in hybrid and online environment. The seminar was finalised with a mock trial, where SCL was assessed by the team of prosecutors and defence. Detail program of the seminar can be found here.

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