Seminar in Tartu

The seminar in Tartu, entitled – “Designing and delivering courses in an online and blended environment: tools, methods, processes and challenges” , took place between October 22-23, 2019. 

The main aim of the seminar was to provide participants with the tips and cases of effective implementation of instructional design in an online and blended environment. The seminar adapted a hands-on and practical approach in arranging the program and rely on the lecturers’ submitted case studies. Before the start of the seminar, all participants were required to fill in the pre-seminar form, which could be found via the following link. and prepare pre-seminar task.

The seminar program was organized around a pitch session, where lecturers present their courses and later proceed into a small “hackathon/brainstorming session”, where pitches were grouped together on the basis of similarity. Organizers of the seminar provided the participants with a framework for brainstorming and potential hints/solutions, which have been pre-made before the start of the seminar and served as a basis for brainstorming discussion. After brainstorming was over, each group presented their solution to the rest of the participants, and received a follow-up advice from the “panel” of educational technologists/designers represented by the Nordplus partners. At the end of the seminar, participants were given the possibility to provide feedback or raise some aspects that haven’t been addressed during the seminar in an open mic session.  Self-reflective forms were also given out at the end of the seminar, to give the participants a chance to reflect on the experience. 

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