Seminar in Uppsala

Due to the Covid-19 situation, the workshop “Navigating Learning Spaces” took place online on September 16 and 17, combining two real-time sessions in Zoom with some asynchronous activities, carried out on Moodle. 

An overarching goal of the seminar was to affirm the use of learning spaces for a course as a conscious, pedagogical choice, and as an integrated part of your teaching strategies – and not only a matter of finding a sufficiently large room with a projector! 

In preparation for the seminar, all participants were required to submit examples of challenges, to which you are looking for solutions, and that you wish to discuss at the seminar. The seminar was differentiated for the participants with current or recent teaching experiences; and participants who serve an administrative, managerial or support function. Detailed description of the pre-task could be found here

The event was organized around several crucial topics: the morning’s first round of workshops was devoted to suggesting solutions to the challenges and dilemmas that the participating teachers have uploaded in their pre-tasks. During the second workshop, the organisers will bring up for discussion various themes that circle around emerging pedagogical practices, which rely on the use of digital tools and resources in campus settings (including some that concern the current, Covid-19-induced situation).  After first round of workshops – participants were required to get familiar with the video study tours of various learning spaces and reply to Moodle forum questions, facilitated by the seminar organizers. 

On the second day, participants turned to discussion concerning the creation and use of new learning spaces for teachers and students. Different themes were discussed, in short sprints, where short introductions and presentations are followed by small group discussions or other activities. Detailed program of the seminar is available here. 



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